F.A.Q.: Frequently Asked Questions

Is an exam required for admission to the university or registration?

There are no exams and age requirements for admission or registration to our university. As a prerequisite, candidates must have high school diploma and equivalent. Each candidate with a high school diploma in secondary education will have the status of the student with the registration to apply for the dates determined by the university.

Does the university have equivalence certificate of YÖK (Council of Higher Education)?

American Metropolitan University is a private university. Therefore, the university has no equivalence certificate of YÖK (Council of Higher Education). Lack of YÖK equivalence certificate means that you cannot use diplomas in public and state institutions and cannot perform military service for male candidates. In our country, our legal legislation does not allow the establishment of private universities while giving permission to the state and private universities. Therefore, there are no YÖK equivalence certificates of the universities which are in the status of private university. However, all of these departments are integrated into the private sector and do not affect our students and graduates who are dedicated to private sector training.

What are the disadvantages of the lack of YÖK (Council of Higher Education) equivalence certificate?

Male candidates cannot perform military service and cannot work in the public sector. As stated, since the departments of our university are aimed at the private sector, our graduates are not seeking to be civil servants in the public sphere. You can use our diploma in private sector by doing your own business or for employment in private sector organizations.

What is the educational language of the university?

The American Metropolitan University accepts the official language of the country as a language of education, in which country it operates. The language of education in the American Metropolitan University in Turkey is Turkish.

Where does the American Metropolitan University graduates work?

Our graduates mostly work in their own business or private sector.

Does your university have compulsory attendance?

Since our university operates with a distance education system, it is not obligatory to attend the courses, but it is compulsory to follow the lessons with the computer.

Can we get a student certificate and a student ID?

Yes, student ID and student certificate are sent to the address of each student enrolled in our university.

Does your university offer students the opportunity to find a job?

All graduate students are given job plan preparation and job and vocational counseling training by our expert academicians.

Are academic counseling services provided to students at your university?

Academic counseling services are provided to each of our students.

How do I get a student certificate when I need it?

Student certificate is sent to the student who needs it via mail or internet.

Is the student certificate issued in English?

Student certificates are in Turkish. However, you can translate it in English through sworn interpreters.

Is the diploma sent to me by mail or by courier?

Diplomas are sent domestically to the addresses of our graduates by mail or courier. Students should be consulted for overseas delivery.

Can I get a certificate showing my graduation or graduation certificate instead of diploma?

Graduates are not given any documents that indicate graduation, such as a temporary graduation certificate, a education certificate or paper. The demands in this direction will not be taken into consideration.

Are there any exemptions for the students enrolled with vertical transfer?

You will be exempted from other higher education institutions by documenting the courses you receive.

Are there any opportunities to switch between departments and programs at your university?

Yes, students enrolled in our university have the right to switch between the departments of our university.

Why study with distance education?

Our university is especially preferred by our students who are working, studying at the second university or having a busy work schedule. Because it is necessary to be a private university for formal education. Our parallel studies for formal education continue to be a private university. Currently, we are only able to accept students with a distance education system.

What is the language of diploma?

The diploma language is Turkish and English.

What fees will I pay until I graduate?

The price applicable to the contract with you is the total amount to be paid, and you will not be affected by fee increases until you graduate.

Mimarlık ve İç Mimarlık Mezunları YÖK Denkliğine Başvuru Yapabilirler mi?

Mimarlık, İç Mimarlık Bölümü Mezunlarının, Mimarlık ve İç Mimarlık alanında YÖK denklik belgesi alabilmeleri için lisans eğitimini, üniversitede tam gün üzerinden verilen asgari dört yıllık bir eğitim almaları gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda; Türkiye'de mimarlık alanında denklik belgesi alabilmek için Mimarlık lisans eğitiminin uzaktan eğitim yoluyla tamamlanması gerekmektedir.

Mimarlık ve İç Mimarlık Mezunları Mimarlar Odasına Kayıt Yapabilirler mi?

İlgili Mevzuat gereği,yurtdışındaki yükseköğretim programlarında alınacak mimarlık eğitimine fiilen ve düzenli olarak devam edilmesi gerekmekte olup uzaktan eğitim yoluyla mezun olan öğrencilerimiz ilgili meslek odalarına ve Mimarlık odalarına kaydolamamaktadırlar.

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